Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Biggest Week in American Birding 2013

The best of my Biggest Week In American Birding 2013. Since I'm still an amateur at this I wouldn't dare try to name the warblers I have pictured above, there are two nonwarblers. The very last bird is a Rose Breasted Grosbeak. It is the prime example of why I love birding, there is such a sense of commonality and community within birding that is so unique. A friend and I were trying to figure out what it was, and a man from Honduras let us know what it was and then a few other birders joined in on taking in the scene of it fluttering about. It was nice because often along the boardwalk there was birder jams (Where everyone is bunched in one spot and hardly anyone can get by), and here we were a group of 5 getting to see a Grosbeak. Anyways I may post more later. Had to upload them while I could. 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Has it been almost a year since I last posted?! "It's crazy!" I was just explaining that to someone today lol. I did a wedding and I think it just took it out of me, but I had taken a few pictures in between and didn't even really realize it! lol. Anyways this was still from last summer but a friend of mine and I went to a park and saw a mess of these Canadian geese I had to take pictures it was so pretty out. Be expecting a few more posts! This weekend is the Biggest Week in American Birding and hopefully Saturday I will be going as planned!